The man was explaining to his wife about limiting liability. They had just left a party at a mansion in Los Angeles. The couple hosting the party had a intricate relationship that included a paper divorce ahead of a business insolvency. “It’s like this,” he gently positioned to his wife, “you have a business worth $100, and a house worth $50.” His wife leaned in closer. “The wife gets the house and $50, and now the wife has $50 and a $50 house.” He stopped. “What does the husband have, then,” she asked. “He has a business worth $100.” “Oh, and that works?” “It is $100 of insolvency,” the man answers.
“I liked Bridget,” the woman says. “The French one?” The man asks. “She’s from Paris,” the woman adds. “I told her I liked Paris, but she didn’t tell me anything new about it. She was just nice.” “Too much Botox,” said the man. “And she wore pants.” The woman burst back quickly, but still softly. “Those weren’t pants, they were Moroccan, and it was a pant suit.” “They were pants, and that was a t-shirt.” The man and the woman were at odds with this one. He, being sensitive to issues better left alone, changed the subject. It was obvious these two had been married a long time and will continue to be for a long time coming.
“Did you get my text? I sent you a text at the party, with a picture. I had to erase it on my phone. Her husband was trying to look at it. The picture clearly proves she had too much Botox.” The woman pulls out her phone. “Oh darn, it’s gone,” she tells her husband.
“You looked nice tonight,” says the husband to his wife. “You looked nice, too,” says his wife. They ran up the driveway to their stately home, holding hands and skipping, her leading the way while he fumbled in his pocket for the keys to the front door.