I have heard it said that thoughts produce actions. But I have found that actions produce thoughts, and thoughts produce niftier ways to accomplish actions. So we can’t have one, or at least not a good one, without the other. I think humans are wirelessly connected to a frequency that can be tapped into by all life. That’s why we sometimes know what another person is thinking, and that is even why our pets can anticipate what we want – and show us attention that fits our needs without having the words. So the more time we are around others, the more thoughts we expose our wireless receptacles to – and as a result, the more thoughts we generate from the mush between our own two ears. The actions we take to bring the thought to tangible fruition come late at night, or early in the morning, or in the middle of the day. They come in private, then get worked over, polished up, put into an attractive box, and presented to the world.
Groovy Guru